Art Department

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  • Philosophy

    The visual and performing arts are vital to the education of every student at Xaverian. It is through the arts that students reflect upon how a society sees itself and expresses its beliefs and principles. Our mission is to enable our students to explore the relationship between the arts and society.

Art Department Goals

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  • 培养批判性思维

    To teach not only the skills to create art but to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills in each student.
  • Promote Creativity


High School Courses

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  • Studio Art

    这是一门概论课程, in which students will create a collection of artworks that reflect an understanding of the elements and principles of art and design. 它旨在向学生介绍艺术在历史中的作用, to teach them the language of art criticism and to provide them with the tools to think visually, 概念上和批判上. This course will not only satisfy the NYS requirement for graduation but it will also serve as a prerequisite for all students intending to take other art electives.
  • 绘画基础

    Students will practice traditional drawing exercises with the intention to develop skills for drawing still life, figure drawing, linear perspective, and tonal shading. 此外,学生将探索基本理论的组成. 
    学生将发展绘画原理的基本技能, 素描与绘画的关系, 底层色技术, value and color, light, shade and shadow, palette organization, 以及建模技术. 
  • 数字艺术概论

    This course will introduce students to the field of Graphic Design as well as creating digital video. 应用艺术元素和设计原则, students interested in this course will learn the basic tools and techniques for creating and manipulating images and transforming ideas into artwork. 重点将放在Adobe套件(Illustrator/ Photoshop/ InDesign)上, and iMovie), 对摄影有基本的了解, composition, and media literacy. 学生将构思和创造数字艺术作品, 处理预先存在的图像, 培养批判性思维能力. The computer acts as a tool to create artwork from common sources, as well as from the imagination. 作品将被印刷和评论. 

  • 建筑学概论

    本课程旨在向学生介绍这些思想, principles, 以及在工作室中解决建筑问题的方法. Students of this course will comprehend the many facets of architecture: reading and understanding architectural drawings, 通过徒手和机械制图发展制图技能, 利用动手操作的架构工具, 批评历史和当前的建筑结构, 将思想的发展概念化. 重点将放在城市发展和绿色建筑上. 
    Students of this course are expected to purchase a textbook as well as an architectural kit, 包括一个建筑板, T-square, triangle, 建筑和工程规模, etc. 
  • AP Art and Design

    In this course, students will be provided with a learning experience equivalent to that of an introductory college course in studio art foundation. By the course’s end, students will have the option of submitting one of three different portfolios – drawing, 2-D design, 或者3d设计——每一种都基于掌握的不同技能. The course provides opportunities for students to practice and develop the skills in the following skill categories: Inquiry and Investigation, 在实践中培养, Experimentation, 调查与沟通与反思. The course teaches students to understand integrity in art and design as well as what constitutes plagiarism. 如果学生的作品使用了别人的作品, the course teaches students how to develop their own work so that it moves beyond duplication of the referenced work(s).

    Prerequisite: Any student applying to this course must have completed the Studio Art course and must seek approval from the 艺术部主任.
  • Fashion Design

    This course will be an introduction to the visual illustration designs of fashion and technical renderings of a garment. 学生将创造, pose, 并将自己的时尚人物风格运用到原创设计草图中. 这门课结束的时候, students will be able to find inspiration through research for mood boards and sketchbook creations, design a cohesive collection of garments and render them in color using professional art techniques and mediums.
  • 时装技术与缝纫

    本课程将介绍时装设计的实践方面. 学生将从头到尾学习服装制作过程. They will begin with hand and machine sewing mechanics and various finishing techniques. 这门课结束的时候, 学生将能够布置, cut, 并缝制出行业标准的图案.


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  • Art 6

    This course focuses on key artistic vocabulary as the students begin their artistic journey. 他们学习艺术的基本要素, 艺术家用来创作原创作品的基本构件. They apply these terms using various mediums, from oil pastels to collage to colored pencils. Furthermore, students learn about various artists throughout history as they work with these terms and materials. 像毕加索这样的艺术家, Bridget Riley, and George Seurat act as inspirational guides to various styles of art making and techniques. 今年学到的基础知识将贯穿整个中学.
  • Art 7

    In this course, students continue to learn and explore the Elements of Art as a means of art-making. However, they also begin to learn about the Principles of Design - core terminology that helps artists create strong compositions. 七年级学生在探索更复杂的材料时会使用这些术语, 如水彩和木炭. 他们关注罗伊·利希滕斯坦、乔治亚·奥基夫和M.C. Escher. 这些学生也开始更多地合作, 在小组以及跨主题的艺术作品和插图工作. For example, Illustrations in art class become the muse for storytelling and creative writing in English class. All in all, 今年的艺术课程是建立在六年级所学知识的基础上的, as well as expand upon the student's skills and creativity through hands-on art-making and interpretation.
  • Art 8

    八年级工作室艺术回顾了艺术元素和设计原则, 在以前的课程中学习的术语. However, eighth-graders will go beyond as they focus on three major components of art-making: skill-building, peer critique, and personal choice. 学生学习绘画的技术技能, from creating artwork in one point and two-point perspective to three-dimensional renderings and still life drawings to advanced watercolor techniques. Each student will research and investigate artists independently to find inspiration that they will, in turn, 用于他们自己的项目. 学生创建艺术家陈述,详细描述他们的过程和想法. Furthermore, 学生们会花额外的时间来分析和批评彼此的作业, 正在进行和已完成的项目. Because of this, 学生们学会解读思想, 批判性和创造性地思考, 用一种有意义的方式讨论艺术.


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  • Digital Art

    The Ryken Digital Arts class will introduce students to the fundamental skills needed to create artwork on the computer. This course will focus on the Adobe Suite, which includes Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. The overall goal of this course is to present the student with the tools to render digital artwork. The student will understand various computer programs and how they are used in a professional setting. 学生将培养批判性思考的能力, 分析和批判艺术, 为特定的客户和目的开发艺术品. Also, students will become familiar with concepts from art history as it pertains to the Graphic Arts. 在这一年的课程结束时, students will have a portfolio that includes a wide range of projects and artwork, 包括数码景观, logo design, digital portraiture, and photography.


List of 3 members.

  • 帕特里克·马修斯摄

    Patrick Mathews 

    (718) 836-7100 x835
  • 乔安娜·梅斯蒂摄

    JoAnna Mesiti 

    (718) 836-7100 x882
  • 戴安娜·托齐的照片

    Diana Tozzi 

    (718) 836-7100


Established in 1957, Xaverian is one of thirteen schools nationwide sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.